After my gushing praise of my DOH in my last blog I thought it was about time I set the record straight. Living with a man is an eye opener in many ways, and there are things that my man does that I just don't get. I bet many women will have experienced some or most of these oddities.
1. He switches things off at the wall
Not everything, not every day. that would be too simple, I could keep up with that. We have an extension cord beside the sofa in our living room. We keep a phone charger and the lead for our laptop plugged into it, sometimes it's being used sometimes not. Occasionally, with no comment or warning I find it is switched off. Usually I discover it when I have left my phone to charge while I go for a shower only to find 40 mins later my phone almost dead and I need to take a charger to work.
2. My brakes are fine, our driveway is flat and yet he feels the need to leave my car in gear in the driveway " in case the breaks fail". On the odd occasion I drive his car, I know to check, but I forget if he has driven my car last evening and I jump in to get to work and switch on before checking LURCH!
3. I, like many women, leave stuff on the bottom step of the stairs as in " Please take this loo roll/shower gel/ toothpaste up with you next time you go up". He , like my teen daughter steps over it, like 4 times before I eventually lift it and take it up.
4. He has not one, not two but 4 shower gels on the go at once.
I usually finish one before moving on to the next, mind you I do currently have 3 shampoos on the go- but that's different, my hair has special needs.
5. If a light bulb goes he replaces it with one from a light that isn't often used, fine, until you go to use that light.
6. He doesn't "deal" with stuff at the appropriate time ( as I see it). He cleans the bar-b-que before he uses it rather than after the last time. So, last Sunday the barby came out for the first time this year and had to have the grease cleaned off from sometime last summer- yuk. Right now it is on the deck, greasy and also wet and the tools are still in the kitchen waiting to be put away with it.
Hi gym stuff from Friday morning sits in the bag until Sunday night when he needs to restock for Monday morning. I have tried to encourage him to restock on Friday night and put the darn thing into his car so I don't have to dodge smelly gym stuff every time I go up and down stairs, what with all those bathroom supplies it's busy on our stairs.
7. He resets the heat to suit his manly warmth. I'm not a cold sufferer , but I do like the house to be warm enough that you don't have to wear a sleeping bag, and we have little kids who streak, it needs to be comfortable.
8. In our house my DOH has the pleasure of emptying the bins. He usually waits until, they are over flowing and then has a good old grunt and swear when the cheap crappy bags I have bought split all over the kitchen floor.
9. If he washes any clothes, he puts all colours in at the same time saying " they'll be fine at 40 degrees". The HORROR! I am a laundry control freak and HATE colours and whites, I just had a shudder down my spine.
10.All plastic bags are turned into odd knotted things and left about the place, crisp bags, sandwich bags, carrier bags.
11. He plays games on his tablets rather than reading books. Poker, solitaire, online scrabble, football manager, fantasy football etc.
12. He has new clothes , but insists in wearing the holey, stinky or just plain naff in his wardrobe.
13. He is super clean but sometimes has to be reminded to change his PJ's
14. He NEVER EVER changes the bed. ( and rarely makes it)
15. When the house is so dirty the rats have moved out he doesn't notice and wouldn't get the hoover/mop/duster out without the age old "would you like to mop or vacuum" from the woman of the house.
Now I know I sound like I am having a big moan about my man, but these are only little things, that drive me nuts. He is so much more tolerant of my bad habits than I am of his. For this I am eternally grateful.
Let me know if your man does any of these things, I am sure my list isn't exhaustive.