
Saturday, 23 May 2015

Dump, Donate or Redeploy.

I am a clutterbug, my beloved is a clutterbug ( although a tidier one) so are my 3 daughters. Our home is groaning with the weight of "stuff" we have accumulated in the 3 years we have been living here. It's easy for me to get rid of things that don't belong to me, but I struggle to deal with my own bulging drawers, shelves and cupboards.

This isn't a particularly bad one....
For those of you who have Facebook, the "Timehop" app will greet you each morning with the posts that you were sharing this day last year and all previous years you were on Facebook. Mostly they don't make any sense and are not worth reading, much less sharing, but the odd time they trigger a memory and raise a smile. A few weeks ago my Timehop shared my post from the same day in May 2009. It stated " I've got a skip and I know how to use it". I remember that time well. I felt like I do now, that my life needed a shake up, that I was bogged down in stuff. I was single, living with my daughter and felt like I needed a new start.

I ordered a skip and proceeded to shake up my life. I am a great believer in "cosmic gestures". I believe you need to physically and mentally make room in your life for a new friend, new relationship, new baby or new job before it comes to you. My skip was me telling the universe  "off with the old, bring on the new" Within 6 months I had a new relationship, was pregnant with our daughter, and had moved house and jobs- Whoosh!

I am in the same zone right now. My eldest daughter is finishing school and  starting University after the summer, my middle one starting school in September. It's time for me to shake up my life , to tug all the old stuff from under the beds, off the top of the wardrobes and the back of the cupboards and show the universe that I am ready. Ready for a new challenge, a new start and hopefully a tidier home.

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